Creating & Fostering High Impact Managers

High Impact Managers is a key element to succession planning and growing the overall capacity of the organisation to effectively compete. They understands the principle that 20% of their efforts will generate 80% of the results, and 80% of their efforts should be on developing leaders at all levels on their team. The rapidly changing marketplace requires flexible, solution-seeking personnel who are striving to continuously learn, and rapidly adapt to work environments, processes, roles and competencies to meet new challenges.

PROCLAD Academy’s Creating & Fostering High Impact Managers training course prepares the participants to be successful in transforming their daily activities from being frenzied, stressful, complex, unrelenting exhausting, unfruitful, and demoralizing to developing their capacity to become optimistic, confident, relaxed, and focused on meeting strategic and operational objectives. Participants will, in their role as a manager or leader, be able to understand the need to prepare and develop high impact managers who can Put Principles into Practice.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Creating & Fostering High Impact Managers training course are:

  • Self-analysis: Where am I now and what do I know (or not know)?
  • Organisational-analysis: How are we preparing and developing managers now?
  • Application of principles learned
  • Table Group Discussions: What can I learn from others?
  • Feedback Exercises: Assessing learning through Principles into Practice exercises

Strategy, Strategic Thinking & Business Planning

It is a proven fact that strategic thinkers are amongst the most highly effective leaders. However in most organisations, strategic thinking or business planning is an activity that takes place annually or bi-annually. Leaders need to establish a strong line of sight from the corporate vision, all the way through to day-to-day actions that support the business strategy, and techniques to confidently engage with strategic thinking and business planning tasks.

PROCLAD Academy’s Strategy, Strategic Thinking & Business Planning training course seeks to embed strategic thinking in the daily practice of a leader, to ensure that strategy is updated on an ongoing basis. Participants on this training course will be able to identify the difference between strategic thinking and strategic planning, and able to practice essential tools for both strategic thinking as well as for creating strategic plans.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Strategy, Strategic Thinking & Business Planning training course are:

  • Provide a sense of direction for the organisation
  • Implement or improve the strategic process
  • Robust frameworks to formulate and develop plans

People Management & Team Leadership Masterclass

Professionals who have shared and practised different ways of performing the key management and leadership functions offer increased self-awareness, flexibility and confidence. They are better able to stand back from the everyday detail and focus on longer-term organisational needs, secure in the knowledge that their team are competent and motivated to deal with operational tasks.

Participants on PROCLAD Academy’s People Management & Team Leadership Masterclass training course will be exposed to a range of different approaches to management and leadership practice, allowing them to select those most suitable for their situation and personal style. The opportunity to experiment with key techniques before applying them in the workplace will help build the confidence to move beyond traditional assumptions about the ‘right’ way to manage.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s People Management & Team Leadership Masterclass training course are:

  • Recognise what makes you stand out from the crowd
  • Learn how behaviour and communication style directly impacts on those around
  • Understand how others perceive you
  • Recognise and Empower the team for higher performance
  • Managing yourself and others more efficiently and effectively

Leadership Development, Self-Awareness Skills & Strategy

Leadership development is currently the number one issue or challenge for organisations, according to a recent survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity. Given the challenging economy, businesses need emotionally intelligent, skilled, talented leaders more than ever. Leaders must also develop self-awareness and objectively honest self-assessment. The most successful leaders see themselves the same way that others see them, i.e. they know their own strengths and weaknesses.

PROCLAD Academy’s Leadership Development, Self-Awareness Skills & Strategy training course offers an extensive journey into the nature of leadership in organisations, with an emphasis on self-understanding and learning. It offers both a theoretical and practical understanding of leadership. At the end of this training course, delegates will have a better conceptual sense of leadership, and important insights into themselves as leaders.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Leadership Development, Self-Awareness Skills & Strategy training course are:

  • Enhance ability to understand the context in which leadership is to be applied
  • Practical ideas about how to work leadership context in order to lead change
  • Foster self-awareness in order to broaden the skills
  • Change the culture of the organization by reforming leadership styles

Enhancing Leadership, Critical Thinking & Innovation

Success of an organization and its leaders typically rest upon how managers and staff understand the psychological influences and process of thinking, an “out of the box” kind of thinking that they make. Since it is crucially evident that the employees are a very important dimension in the success of an organization, the challenge is to turn them from “clock watchers” to critical and creative workforce that can give the organization a competitive edge.

PROCLAD Academy’s Enhancing Leadership, Critical Thinking & Innovation training course is intended to help participants develop innovation and critical thinking skills together, that will lead to new idea generation, better problem-solving and efficiency building. Getting the best thinking abilities helps participants step back, examine their thought processes and make them more effective. Their organisation’s innovation and competitive position in the marketplace will improve by asking the right questions and challenging assumptions.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Enhancing Leadership, Critical Thinking & Innovation training course are:

  • Enhancing creativity by applying the leadership techniques
  • Different creative techniques, along with cases and examples
  • Real cases of how other organizations applied them successfully
  • Relationship between creativity and work culture

Next Generation Leadership Development

Leadership is a rich and meaningful word. It stirs up a sense of idealism, excitement, hope and courage. It is a word that inspires us to be our best, a word that we associate with those who have made the greatest difference in our lives. In short, leadership is a significant part of the answer to whatever challenges our organisations may face. Furthermore, there is no doubt that good leadership is the most important factor in organizational success.

PROCLAD Academy’s Next Generation Leadership Development training course is intended expose participants to a comprehensive range of different leadership approaches to understand themselves and to transform them as leaders within their organisations. The principles and practices they learn in this training course are based upon foremost authorities in the field of leadership. Participants will also acquire skills to manage negative emotional behaviours and insights that can be used in different areas of their professional and personal lives.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Next Generation Leadership Development training course are:

  • Visionary leadership skills: developing the best in you to develop the best in others
  • Communication skills: getting your message across every time, clearly and powerfully
  • Influencing skills: the ability to affect perceptions, attitudes and behaviors
  • Teams development skills: gaining commitment, creativity and top performance
  • Performance management skills: positive coaching, disciplining and empowerment
  • Self-Mastery skills: a strategy for personal success

Management & Leadership Masterclass

The business environment has changed significantly since the recognition that a true “global economy” has become a reality resulting in mandated changes, along with new ways and opportunities to do business. This requires leaders to be “facilitators of change”, to understand the important shift to knowledge management, succession planning, and developing emerging generations are in their scope of empowerment. Implementing a new culture often requires a new vision, new strategic priorities, skills and processes. The first step in the identification of a new culture requires a change in how we think and how we conduct business in the new culture.

PROCLAD Academy’s Management & Leadership Masterclass training course is developed to tackle the challenging and dynamic needs of today’s business climate as result of an increase in the highly competitive global trade markets. To successfully transform the future, we need to look at what challenges we face, identify the elements of leadership roles at all levels of the organization, to be certain all parts of the organisation are in concert with the vision for the future and the required culture.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Management & Leadership Masterclass training course are:

  • Self-analysis: Where am I now and what do I know (or not know)?
  • Organizational-analysis: How are we approaching leadership and management issues now?
  • Application of principles learned: How will I apply what is learned to my work environment? How can I be an effective leader and manager? How can we ensure our culture is heading in the right direction?
  • Table Group Discussions: What can I learn from others?
  • Feedback PIP Exercises: Assessing what I’ve learned through in-class Principles Into Practice exercises.

Management & Leadership Skills for the Supervisor/New Manager

You are not alone if you are not quite sure exactly what is expected of you in your new position as Supervisor or Manager. Many Supervisors and Managers takeover their positions feeling apprehensive and unprepared, as it is a lot easier to be a follower than a leader. The skills and talents that made you a valued team player would not necessarily make you a great supervisor or manager.

PROCLAD Academy’s Management & Leadership Skills for the Supervisor/New Manager training course provides an understanding of the necessary skills for effective management and leadership, such as proactive planning, understanding of customer relations, effective time management, proper communication and understanding human interaction, helping potential leaders know how to use productive leadership and management techniques.

 The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Management & Leadership Skills for the Supervisor/New Manager training course are:

  • Choose the right and practical management track
  • Make higher quality decisions
  • Develop positive inter-personal techniques for better people relationship
  • Extend the circle of influence; create a strong bridge of internal boundaries
  • Become more creative

Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors & Turbines

Oil and Gas process plants require specialized equipment to provide the energy to transfer large quantities of the liquids and gases through piping and pipelines designed for those purposes. This transfer occurs from the oil and gas fields through refining and processing plants, and onwards to the storage and sales points. The equipment used for to transfer the fluids are termed Rotating Equipment. These equipment are used extensively and provides an increase in pressure for both liquid and gas streams to enable the passage of fluids to the required destination.

This PROCLAD Academy training course will introduce delegates to different types of Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors & Turbines and associated equipment, such as bearings, seals, filters, separators, etc. The focus in the training course will be on the start-up and operation of these equipment and their optimal diagnostics and troubleshooting techniques. The training course will also cover efficient and trouble-free operation of pumps, compressors and turbines, along with their ability to control the main operational parameters and will include emphasis on physical principles and clear technical reasoning. 

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors & Turbines training course are:

  • Principles of pump, compressor and turbine start up and operation
  • Best practices for maintenance and repair
  • Measurement and control of performance of these machines
  • Inspection and diagnosing the root cause of problems
  • Troubleshooting techniques for operational problems of pumps, compressors and turbines

Data Analysis Techniques & Practices

Analysing data helps to make meaningful business decisions, improve efficiency and profits. Appropriate interpretation of numerical data will strengthen the ability to make significant impact in providing, using or evaluating data for improved business performance.

PROCLAD Academy’s Data Analysis Techniques & Practices training course introduces statistical techniques. It explains and builds upon the fundamentals of statistical analysis, including probability, the normal distribution and standard deviation. Graphical tools such as the histogram, scatter plot and regression charts are introduced. The course also describes important terminology and includes examples which illustrate the use of key tests such as the F and Z tests; defines the meaning of capability, variation and control charts, and examples illustrate why they are useful.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Data Analysis Techniques & Practices training course are:

  • Interpretation of large data sets
  • Modeling and ‘what-if’ scenarios
  • Establishing data integration
  • Developing dynamic dashboards and scorecards
  • Designing key performance indicators