Communication, Interpersonal & Influencing Skills

Getting people to do what you want/need them to do can be the most difficult task. Organizational success depends upon the ability of team members to communicate with each other using multiple means and channels. Interactions with team members will determine how we are being perceived and each of these interactions is an opportunity to accomplish a planned purpose. Communicating & influencing effectively is one of the most powerful skills for achieving organizational objectives.

PROCLAD Academy’s Communication, Interpersonal & Influencing Skills training course will help you develop the skills you need to focus on your purpose, profile your audience and develop your message with clarity for an ideal impact and outcome. The ability to create an environment for open discussion and ongoing dialogue is crucial for communication success. The communication, interpersonal & influencing skills covered in this training course will help increase your ability to become better at active listening, receiving and giving effective feedback, dealing with different and diverse cultures, and managing conflicts in order to improve quality of relationships and productivity.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Communication, Interpersonal & Influencing Skills training course are:

  • Techniques to enhance effectiveness in communication, interpersonal and influencing
  • Understanding the fact that ANYONE can be influenced
  • Simple identification of people’s needs and behaviors
  • Elevating sensitivity towards understanding people who are different in many perspectives
  • Positively apply organizational politics

Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making

Effective communication is of paramount importance whether you are presenting your business ideas or attempting to resolve a conflict within your organization or team. Similarly, decision making and problem solving represent the most important of all leadership activities. Making timely decisions will lead your organization and team to deserved success.

The aim of PROCLAD Academy’s Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making training course is to assist you in becoming a more effective communicator by learning how to identify people’s thinking patterns and preferred learning methods and by tailoring your communication accordingly.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Communication, Problem Solving & Decision Making training course are:

  • Verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Proactive listening & building rapport
  • Influencing, inspiring and persuading others
  • Balanced decision making
  • Evaluating options
  • Practical and proactive thinking
  • Anticipating & solving potential problems

Time, Task & Stress Management

Time is money, and lots of it gets lost in disorganization and disruption. Stress seems like an inevitable part of life. There are many organizations which have below than average performance over the years. Lack of knowledge on priority execution is the primary cause. This results in poor planning and goal setting, where taking things for granted represents the symptoms of all problems.

In PROCLAD Academy’s Time, Task & Stress Management training course, participants will learn how to make the most of their time by getting a grip on their office space, organizing their workflow, learning how to use their planner effectively, and delegating some of their work to other people. Participants will explore various time/task management skills and stress management techniques to get better control and have a more positive impact on their life at the professional and social levels.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Time, Task & Stress Management training course are:

  • Techniques on stress reduction and productivity enhancement
  • Simple, effective approach to managing time and task superbly
  • Tips for personal and organizational effectiveness
  • Early detection and reduction of stress
  • Learn how to balance work and life

Developing Women as Leaders: Liberating Power, Potential & Positivity of Women in the Workplace

Organisations wanting to excel in the modern diverse, dynamic and demanding environment need to access the unique skills and talents of all employees. Liberating the power, potential and positivity of women in leadership roles can be a key contributor to achieving this goal. Women can bring a different dynamic in leadership roles. Encouraging these different ways of thinking, connecting and delivering positive outcomes can add competitive advantage. Valuing variety of approach is key to this.

PROCLAD Academy’s Developing Women as Leaders training course will provide the participants with a clear understanding of the challenges when taking up senior positions, an opportunity to consider what they need to do to ensure leadership practice is tailored to their organisational and personal context. The training course will also enable participants to recognise their core strengths to become reliable, bold leaders and role models who empower everyone around them. It will further deliberate where women need to change and what needs to change in the organisational practices and culture for women to advance to leadership roles.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Developing Women as Leaders training course are:

  • Recognising and developing your leadership style as a woman
  • Developing your self awareness which leads to confidence in the leadership role
  • Thinking positively to create equally positive outcomes
  • To use leadership role and power in an authentic way
  • Being able to establish yourself as a respected leader

Effective Self-Management: Evaluating & Monitoring Energy, Attitude & Priority

Success starts with effective self-management which involves setting goals and managing your time. In order to be truly productive, successful and happy, you need to develop the art of self-management. The world’s greatest leaders are experts at self-management. Any position of authority or responsibility for others requires you to be able to manage yourself, before managing others.

PROCLAD Academy’s Effective Self-Management training course looks at how delegates can analyse their current use of time, identify goals & objectives, plan and prioritise tasks, schedule time effectively and the delegation process.  By applying some simple, practical techniques delegates will be able to identify and focus on the activities that will give them the greatest benefit within the limited time available, helping them to work smarter, not harder.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Effective Self-Management training course are:

  • Analysing obstacles to effective self-management
  • Identifying the goals, planning and prioritizing
  • Setting & achieving own goals & objectives
  • The delegation process

Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership & Innovation

One of the age-old dilemmas encountered by leaders is not having enough time, the leadership capital, to get everything done. A major cause of this issue is the misallocation of leaders’ time in interacting with team members. To remain central to the team, while constantly pondering to be successfully innovative, leaders must leverage the genius of their team members. Smart Leadership is all about making the most of leaders’ work hours by learning to delegate, prioritise and simplify.

PROCLAD Academy’s Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership & Innovation training course shows how to efficiently and effectively invest the time and energy to get better results out of team members. The training course will provide in-depth knowledge on the performance patterns; how to recognise the pattern, identify development needs, and execute a leadership plan targeted to individual requirements.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership & Innovation training course are:

  • Assessing investment in leadership capital
  • Evaluating the results team members deliver
  • Leading individuals who demonstrate major performance patterns
  • Effectively lead individuals demonstrating sub-types of performance patterns

Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation

Organizations cannot provide exceptional value to stakeholders and customers if they are not clear on where they are heading and how they will get there? This is where the role of strategy becomes essential. Strategy is about setting ambitious goals, understanding the surrounding current and future environment and providing a sense of direction for the organization. Having the knowledge and practical insights of a fully integrated strategic planning, development and implementation system will help organisations ensure its vision is transformed into reality.

PROCLAD Academy’s Strategic Planning, Development & Implementation training course will enable participants discover a step-by-step process to create a strategic plan, proven methods for engaging the workforce in continuous learning, the key elements of organisational development, and how to stay on course as the plan is implemented. Success is defined by how well the organisation can satisfy customer values and continuously improve its processes.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Strategic Planning, Development, and Implementation training course are:

  • Self-analysis: Where am I now and what do I know (or not know)?
  • Organizational-analysis: How are we planning, engaging the workforce in continuous learning, and continuous improvement now?
  • Application of principles learned: How will I apply what is learned to my work environment? How can I be an effective leader in strategic planning, development, and implementation of the plan? How can we ensure our plan is implemented successfully?
  • Table Group Discussions: What can I learn from others?
  • Feedback PIP Exercises: Assessing what I’ve learned through in-class Principles Into Practice exercises.

Mastering Teamwork & Cooperation Skills

Organisations that pursue excellence and achieve it are often that build a sense of “community” or team atmosphere throughout the organisation. The people in the organisation are clear about the mission, vision, values, and strategic goals of the organisation and how their work units relate to these strategic mandates. Thus, they see the big picture as a jigsaw puzzle with each piece being important to successfully completing the picture. Each “piece” is significant and the entire picture is not complete without all the pieces being in the right place.

PROCLAD Academy’s Mastering Teamwork & Cooperation Skills training course is intended to provide the delegates with an understanding of the importance of effectively communicating roles & responsibilities; working well with others to create a high-performing team; realizing the importance of continuous improvement; being a solution-seeker v/s a problem-solver; and knowing that collaboration is a vital resource to help their organisation achieve a competitive advantage. Participants will learn to put individual differences aside and focus on the task to be achieved. Participants will “make the task the boss”, teamwork the solution, and adapt their approach and behavior to meet the needs of the task. They will also be able to demonstrate their ability to put Principles into Practice.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Mastering Teamwork & Cooperation Skills training course are:

  • Self-analysis: Where am I now and what do I know (or not know)?
  • Organisational-analysis: How are we approaching team building now?
  • Application of principles learned
  • How can I be an effective team leader and team member?
  • How can I build innovative and collaborative teams who have shared core values?
  • Table Group Discussions: What can I learn from others?
  • Feedback Exercises: Assessing learning through Principles into Practice exercises

Strategic Planning & Goal Setting: Setting Focused Goals & Enhancing Competitiveness

Effective strategic planning is essential to the success of every organisation. The intent of true Strategic Planning is to be rigid enough to set the proper long-term strategic goals while also performing necessary adjustments with foresight, accuracy and responsiveness. This assures that daily tactical activities have the best chance of delivering strategic intent. If you understand the value of having every one of your employees be able to easily communicate the purpose of their daily activities and how they align to the company’s larger strategic goals, then this is the session for you.

PROCLAD Academy’s Strategic Planning & Goal Setting training course will focus on strategic planning as the essential management system guiding the organisation into the future by setting focused goals that will establish and enhance competitiveness. This training course outlines the processes of defining long-term goals and how to clearly delineate these goals within the various levels of the organisation.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Strategic Planning & Goal Setting training course are:

  • Relate functional work to the overall direction of the organisation
  • Analyse and build creative solutions
  • Enhance confidence in setting and aiming for ambitious targets
  • Create tomorrow’s organisation out of today’s organisation

Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Skills for Excellent Leadership

Leaders and outstanding performers are not defined by their IQ or even their job skills, but by their Emotional Intelligence!  

Emotional Intelligence is a set of competencies that distinguishes how people manage feelings, interact and communicate. Unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) continues to develop with life experiences. Understanding and raising your Emotional Intelligence is essential to your success and leadership potential. EQ is the barometer of excellence on virtually any job.

PROCLAD Academy’s Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Skills for Excellent Leadership training course will enable delegates to appreciate that their daily encounters are shaped not just by their rational judgement and personal history, but are largely influenced by their perceptions and expectations. Delegates will be given skills and knowledge to apply EQ in the workplace to enhance their teamwork.

The key features of PROCLAD Academy’s Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Skills for Excellent Leadership training course are:

  • Develop the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power of emotions as a source of human energy, information and influence
  • Gain insights into why and how participants react and respond to certain events in their organisation